Here we are again! “LET’S GO LET’S GO LET’S GO LET’S GO” -Matt and Kim

Day 13: You can listen to over and over and over again
“Oceans” by The Format
I love the music. I love the band. It brings back good memories of people I’m incredibly fond of. That about covers it!
(I should note that, though “Oceans” won out right now, it was very closely followed by “Lazaretto” by Jack White, “HandClap” by Fitz and the Tantrums, and “I’m Alright (Theme from Caddyshack)” by Kenny Loggins)
Day 14: You’re surprised you love
“Stronger” by Kanye West
Kanye. West. I wish I didn’t like some of his music as much as I do because I can’t handle how narcissistic he is. HOWEVER. This song is cool and catchy and samples Daft Punk and it’s on my “motivation playlist” (along with Ariana Grande’s “Break Free”, so that’s up there on this list too).
Day 15: Is in your head right this very second
“Mother and Child Reunion” by Paul Simon
A lot of Paul Simon’s songs tend to get stuck in my head, so it was only natural that this is my answer this go-around. I heard this and “You Can Call Me Al” earlier in the week, but “Mother and Child Reunion” was the one that got its little fangs more deeply into my brain this time.
Day 16: Your sibling loved to listen to
“Idioteque” by Radiohead
My younger brother discovered Radiohead when he was in junior high, and became particularly obsessed with some of their more experimental (and borderline nonsensical) stuff. Our whole house became familiar with their Kid A album thanks to him, and “Idioteque” stands out because he listened to it on repeat until he learned all the lyrics. Now all the words are seared into my memory as well. I guess there are worse things!
Day 17: Makes you stop in your tracks
“We’re Going To Be Friends” by The White Stripes
This song always captures my attention and I can’t help but sing along to it. It takes me out of whatever I’m doing or thinking about and lifts my emotions–it’s so sweet and simple, and it takes me back to the first few days of grade school in those Septembers of yesteryear. It’s just wonderful in its loveliness. Also, side note, it’s the theme to the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend podcast, so I get to hear a portion of it each week. Yayyyy!!
Day 18: Helped influence a decision you made
“Crooked Teeth” by Death Cab for Cutie
“And you can’t find nothing at all
If there was nothing there all along”
Ouch. This song spoke to me while I was in the middle of deciding whether or not to break up with someone I had been dating long-distance for two years. While I was thinking through that dilemma, “Crooked Teeth” played from some playlist I had, and I remember hearing these lyrics and thinking, crap, Ben Gibbard’s right. It was sad, but it’s what I needed to hear, and it helped me stay confident in the decision I made to proceed with ending the relationship.
Day 19: Has a really good music video
“Can’t Stop” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
I’m actually not a big fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers, but this is one of my more favorite songs of theirs, and it helps that there’s a sweet music video to go along with it. The flickering lamps are my favorite art pieces used in the video, and they remind me of one of my other favorite music videos (Weezer’s “El Scorcho”). I can just imagine the director and the band playing around with the “props” they were given and having fun with the idea, and so I always enjoy watching this.
Until sometime soon! Can’t believe the challenge is more than half-way over!