july birthday, v35

There’s no way to escape it, folks — as of this upcoming week I will most certainly be in my mid-thirties. At 34 I was technically in my mid-thirties, I suppose, but with the number not being an exact mid-point, I feel like I was able to logic my way out of admitting what was at least vaguely true. There’s no vagueness anymore though, friends. Just the harsh reality of 35.

I’m just joshing a bit though — not about being officially in my mid-thirties but about it being a *harsh* reality. Well, I guess sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. Depends on the mood you catch me in, and what sort of life options I’m considering. Right now the birthday part of things is more exciting to me, including planning how the week will look and ways to treat m’self. I’m wanting to more intentionally embrace this excitement over the week.

I’ve got a few ideas:

1. Order cookie dough from Doughp. I did this for my birthday last year and I was BLOWN AWAY. How is this so good?? I just eat the stuff out of the carton. Similarly to last year I bought a 4-pack of different flavors this year: chocolate chip cookie, cookies & cream, stroopwafel, and one that is supposed to taste like friggin Dunkeroos. I cannot wait to bust these open!

2. Spend a couple hours at the library. Like everyone else in the country, we moved a new city a couple months ago and I have yet to browse the city library. I did get my library card, but they kept the stacks closed for a while due to COVID. But now they’re open and I’m ready to explore and sit inconveniently in the middle of the bookshelf aisles.

3. Go to the nearby coffee shop. Drip and Culture is my new favorite place and they’ve got so many interesting drinks and other items that are so up my alley: stationery, pins, stickers, records, etc! So I’ll maybe bike over, buy one of the super cute thermoses they sell (and probably a shirt too. And also probably a pin for my backpack. And hell, probably another pack of stickers), get a drink, and straight up chill for a while.

4. Family walk in the forest preserve. This will be me, husband, and doggie, and we’ll go probably someplace wooded. Perhaps someplace where I can do some low-key geocaching…

5. DANCE. EXERCISE. VIDEO. I’m going to sweat it out on my birthday with the help of a YouTube instructor, the sounds of Olivia Rodrigo, and the privacy of my basement.

6. Visit a restaurant in our new city. There’s a brewery I’ve got my eye on…

If I’m being honest, it can be really easy for me to get bogged down by the number itself, the 35-ness of it all. It’s all too simple to let regrets or shame or pressure take the front seat in my mind especially of things not yet started or accomplished (cough having children cough). Life always throws a lot my way, but that includes the good things, the blessings. So this year I’m choosing to celebrate with some of the wonderful things that life has “thrown” my way — my family, books, coffee, exploring, dancing, music, and cookie dough.

Cheers to 35!