I asked a few people in my small group this evening what an “ideal day” looked like for them, from beginning to end. It only seems fair for me to try to answer my own questions from time to time, right?
Version #1 (assumes a sunny and warm summer day)
7:30am: Wake up, brush teeth, grab some coffee from the kitchen (that I would have made the night before), and drink my coffee in bed while reading articles/pinning things on Pinterest.
8:30am: Shower, minimal make-up, and put on a casual flowy dress or skirt. Pack a bag with books and a notebook and headphones. Eat a bagel or a smoothie for breakfast. Put iced coffee in a travel mug.
9:30am: Bike to the library. Do some minimal browsing but then set up shop at a table with all the stuff in my backpack and read and write for hours.
1:30pm: Bike back home and eat some lunch–nothin’ fancy, maybe a turkey sandwich, Goldfish crackers, a banana, and Fig Newtons?
2:30pm: Pick up some iced coffee. Go for a walk with husband at a forest preserve.
4:30pm: Go to Trader Joe’s and pick up ingredients for a stir-fry, as well as some wine.
5:30pm: Make and eat the stir-fry for dinner while watching a funny movie or TV show.
8:30pm: Walk into town and go to one of the local bars. See if some friends want to join as well. Order a soft pretzel, beer, and watch/sing-along to a local cover band. Stay for the band’s entire set.
12:30am: Go home, drink a ton of water, put on Comedy Bang Bang on Netflix, then fall asleep.
Hello and welcome, future friend. My name is Christie, and I like to write, but I’m slightly out of practice. And I like a mess of different things. Hence, blogging!!!! (also, be warned–I’m a huge exclamation points fan)(!)
I’m super happy to be here, and am even happier that you’ve chosen to spend some time in this little corner of the internet with me.
I don’t know about you, but the best way to *truly* learn about a person is through a late 1990’s/early 2000’s-style chain email survey. These puppies are always super long though, so I’ll break it out into a few different posts. Shall we begin with part one?
*~*AbOuT mE*~*
Nicknames? Chris, Crispy Where do you live? Chicagoland area of Illinois Age? 32 Shoe size? 7-7.5 (8 in Converse All-Stars) Pets? Sadly none! I dream of having a dog or capybara someday though… Obsessions? “Weird Al” Yankovic, stationery and journals and planners, comedy (shows, movies, stand-up, podcasts, Twitter accounts, etc), Japanese language and culture, coffee, bread, bright colors, upbeat music, being warm Bad habits? Too much coffee drinking, going to bed too late Phobias? Sadly, driving is a huge fear, especially driving on the highway. More scary to me than driving though is conflict and public speaking! Who is your best friend? the husband
Best. Soda. Ever.
What was the last book you read?Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given? getting Jesus-y here! Redemption through Jesus, and the hope that everything will be made good and right. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given? It was so well-meaning, and honestly not the absolute worst, but the first thing that comes to mind is a set of white pillowcases we were given for our wedding that say in script “Always Kiss Me Goodnight”. I know it’s sweet, but it’s so not me/us. What are your future goals? To own a business and be my own boss. What’s your most embarrassing moment? I never ever ever have an answer to this question, which is both a little annoying and quite relieving. I avoid a lot of social risks where I can, and I’m in a constant state of being awkward, so it’s hard to pin down. Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? probably Lupita Nyong’o Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Haha… um… Keanu Reeves. I can literally feel my face turning red, sigh. Favorite thing to do on a hot summer day? Go for a walk in nature, or for a walk in a city and visit little independent shops. Favorite thing to do on a snowy winter day? Two words: Blanket burrito.
I love Super Mario games, especially the classics.
Who is your hero? My heroes past and present include: Weird Al, Tina Fey, Conan O’Brien, Super Mario, and Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Favorite color? Blue! But I love bright colors of all kinds. Favorite show(s)? Arrested Development, Conan, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Comedy Bang Bang, 30 Rock, IT Crowd, Cobra Kai, Pen15, Bob’s Burgers, and so so so many more… Favorite drink? Fentimans Rose Lemonade, Coca-Cola, coffee, Maker’s Mark on the rocks! Early or Late riser? Late, sometimes too late! Half full or Half empty? Half-empty–I’m a bit on the cynical side, despite my exclamation points!