Hi, buddy! I’m Christie, and I’m the lady behind That One Weird Friend. I’m an older millennial, currently living life in the Chicagoland ‘burbs. My main reason for taking up this space on the internet is to share my heart, soul, and mind in a fun, honest, and creative way, and an added bonus would be if you related to whatever I have to say or if you were able to glean something of value in the midst of my exclamation points(!!!).
Huh, what was that? You’re wanting me to describe myself in three words? Oh, okay, if you insist! After much deliberation, thought, and counsel, the three words I feel best describe me are: 1. Friendly 2. Quirky 3. Snacky
That’s all for now! Oh wait, what’d you say? You’re curious about my personality type? No, it’s not nosy or silly at all! Funny you should ask, actually, because I love pretty much any/all personality tests. I’ll probably end up writing about it a decent amount. For now, here’s what I got for ya:
Myers-Briggs: INFJ
Enneagram: Type 5, Wing 6
StrengthsFinder: coming soon